Brett Blackwell - Canadian filmmaker. Toronto based.

Focused on stories with humans. Known for sharp humor and striking visual style.

Currently telling stories for international brands.

Commercial Reel


I’m Brett Blackwell, a filmmaker known for clever humour, killer timing, and a stunning visually style. From indie beginnings to collaborations with major clients and top ad agencies, my journey has been all about crafting stories that resonate.

My philosophy centres on creating emotional journeys where audiences connect deeply. I don’t just tell stories; I build immersive experiences that pull viewers in, making them feel every moment. Through meticulously crafted visuals, I reveal the subtle gestures and nuanced details that bring each story to life with artistic precision.

I have a passion for visual effects and post-production wizardry. Whether refining complex compositions or perfecting the finishing touches, my goal is always to achieve seamless and impactful results.

To work with me in Canada get in touch with Andrew or Michael at for more information.


Short Films

In this comedy film that parodies a high-octane action-thriller, Officer Mikey (Pat Smith), a hilariously misinformed cop, embarks on a mission with fellow officer Al (Jason DeRosse) and their boss, Sergeant Dale (Rob Baker). They infiltrate a derelict building and unexpectedly discover a bomb. As Mikey’s paranoid delusions and wild theories ignite uproarious debates, the clock ticks down, heightening the tension. With everything on the line, Mikey and his team must navigate chaos and confusion, leading to an unexpected and humorous climax that turns the mission on its head.

In a world filled with negativity, Joe has found his own unique way to stay grounded. Twice a week, he meets with a group of cynics to air their grievances about everything from trivial annoyances to life’s bigger frustrations. Joe is the steady presence in these sessions, keeping the atmosphere from boiling over—until a newcomer joins and begins to disrupt the delicate balance. As tensions rise, Joe must navigate the growing unrest within the group. But beneath his calm exterior, there’s something more to Joe’s involvement in these sessions. As the situation escalates, it becomes unclear whether Joe’s positivity is truly genuine or if there’s a deeper reason he’s drawn to this world of complaints and critiques.

In this dark comedy, oddball couple Sandra and Jeremy display just how far they will go to prove a point when the question is posed; “What would you do if I died?”. Knowing that Jeremy hates nothing more than being cornered by such confrontational hypotheticals, Sandra has to burrow deep into her husband’s psyche if she really wants him to play along and get her answer. Though such manipulative behaviour is actually quite normal for these two, on this day things escalate faster than ever before; begging a new question… “Is everything fine with Sandra and Jeremy?”.

Directed by : Brett Blackwell

Written by : Pat Smith

Produced by : Matthew KloskePat Smith

Cast : Allison PricePat SmithPat Thornton

Brett Blackwell is an award-winning Canadian director known for comedic work with sharp humour. Performances are lensed with a touch that captures every subtle gesture and detail. A talent that has continuously benefited his comedic work and is reflected in his long-standing relationships within the comedy community. 
In 2011, he and Producer Matt Kloske, joined forces with comedians Naomi Snieckus (Mr.D) and Matt Baram (Seed) to produce “The Casting Room”, a collaboration that earned the team a Canadian Comedy Award for “Best Web Series”.

Brett’s short films “Boss of Me” and “Happiness is Hate Therapy” were both programmed on CBC after premiering at CFC’s Worldwide Short Film Festival. “Happiness is Hate Therapy” screened internationally at LA Short Festival and Raindance UK. Brett’s work on “Boss of Me” earned him a Canadian Comedy Award nomination for “Best Director”.

Brett brings great technical knowledge to solve unique creative challenges. A substantial portion of his commercial work features VFX designed with modern techniques – composting, 3d elements, chroma and white cyc, motion control, etc.

Brett is represented by Nimble Content for commercial direction in Canada. He has brought his vision, humour and sensibilities to projects for international brands such as Skittles, GM, Honda, Toyota, Molson/Coors, Walmart, McDonalds, etc.